Weather Vane
Today we ventured up to Monte Rosa via the Old Halfway House Trail, White Arrow, and Monte Rosa Trail. We saw Lee at the Old Toll Rd. parking. The first trail is an easy-going woodsy trail which was very pleasant. The group stayed together nicely. The Monte Rosa Trail does get a bit scrambly near the top, but it is very short. It was not raining, so that was good. Lee’s husband had replaced the broken weathervane on top of Monte Rosa, so that was nice – it’s the landmark feature that you look for as you approach the open ledges. We lunched atop Monte Rosa and were able to enjoy summit views and surrounding color. Clouds were starting to gather as we left to head over the Amphitheatre Trail. We passed the Tooth and then proceeded up to the Black Precipice. Unfortunately, by this time it had begun to sprinkle and then rain lightly but steadily….it was a bummer as the trail does have ledges and the rain made it much more difficult. So, we proceeded very slowly across the rocks until we joined the Side Foot Trail. The Side Foot is a much nicer trail than the White Arrow which is filled with rocks of all sizes. It offers more tree cover too, so we were a bit protected from the rain. The trail comes out by the Halfway House site and here we joined the Old Toll Road to get back to the parking area. By this time, the rain had stopped. The evening ended with a terrific concert by David Ross, a local classical guitarist. I’ve heard him several times now and he is always great. He has a warm and unassuming personality and his love of music really comes across in his presentation and his playing. He offered a variety of classical pieces and some more popular tunes. I loved the Astor Piazzolla. I was lucky to have seen him perform in person many years ago in Central Park in NYC when Summerstage (free concerts in the park) was in its infancy.